As the name of the film magazine is an important aspect of the final production, to help me in my decision I decided to produce a brainstorm of possible ideas for the name of the magazine as seen in image. When looking at the several different names I attempted to choose the best suitable name which would suit the genre of the magazine (film), therefore I opted with the name
"ACT!ON" my reasons for doing so were firstly because it immediately reminded me of the directors cut 'lights, camera...action!' this is automatically associated with movies and films. The verb 'action' can be seen as a connotation of a great deal of energy, this then could reflect the amount of energy and postive verbs 'ACT!ON' has to offer to the public. I decided to replace the 'I' to an '!' as I thought it was unique and reflected that I wanted to add a touch of my creativeness to the front cover. I have deliberately applied speech marks to "ACT!ON" so that it almost appears realistic to the readers, it can also make them recognise that it is linked to the directors cut when working with films/movies.
Track- I originally took it from the word 'soundtrack' which I often associate with films, it could also be associated with the tracking of a camera capturing action!
Film1st- I thought this had a proffesional sound to it as it clearly establishes the genre of the magazine, and the number '1' often indicates the best.
Topfilm! The clue is in the name, symbolising only the best is featured in this magazine.
Cut- The name 'Cut' immediately represented the cut of a director when shooting a film, therefore would be very suitable for a film magazine's name.
View- This could be associated with the view in which the audience have of the film and could possibly be associated with the editors view on specific and upcoming films.
Watch!- Immediately assoicated with watching the hit films, and which is best.
Engage- I think this would be an interesting name for a film magazine, as the editor wants the readers to engage with the magazines and inparticular the films featured.
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