An important aspect when creating my horror film trailer is choosing the correct and approriate name for the trailer. I began by creating a brainstorm of ideas in which I thought up, all of the names i chose all had similarities and were somehow connected with 'stalkers' almost creating a semantic field of words linked with stalkers and followers.
Several examples analysed:
TRAPPED- 'Trapped' definately projects the genre to the audience as it shows to the audience that the film will be based around a follower and a definate victim who may become trapped and hunted down at one point during the film.
EVERY STEP- The name 'Every Step' could be seen as subtle compared to 'Trapped' as it is not giving away to many clues about the film itself, however the two words reveal to the audience that the synopsis of the film could possibly be about many footsteps being followed!
ANOTHER SHADOW- 'Another Shadow' creates a very mysterious and creepy atmosphere about the film as it reflects there is another character involved possibly lurking in the background behind the main character 'Amelia Roberts'.
I have decided to go with the name 'The Hunted' as it immediately estbalishes to the audience the genre of the film and perhaps also reflecting the synopsis, it could also be associated with future events which could possibly occur in the film itself such as 'Amelia Roberts' being hunted down leaving an element of ambigousity to the reader.
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