By gathering information from existing posters i have decided to feature the headline 'The Hunted' at the bottom of the poster, my reasons for this is that i think it gives off a subtle effect to the poster almost like at the end of a trailer when the title of the film is revealed. The main image in the draft establishes the main area of the film, which is the creepy forest in which Ellie walks through. For my final poster I would want the trees and woodland area to be featured, my reasons for this being that forests can be viewed as being stereotypical therefore making it a generic convention it also gives off a scary vibe! As the stalker is not revealed in the trailer (which makes it ambigous for the audience) I would like to add a twist by including the hand of the follower, this immediately projects to the audience that the storyline to the film will feature a stalker. The camera will also act as the stalker, as it appears as if the picture is the immediate point of view of the strange follower.
The quotes which are pictured on the image show class and strong positive opinions about the film giving the audience positive feedback, the effect of this being the public trust successful newspapers therefore their opinion helps with the progression and success of the film. The quotations used are simple and perhaps stereotypical phrases, to project the information across to the audience. Underneath the headline 'The Hunted' I have included five rating stars to reveal and add an extra element of quality and proffessionalism to the poster.

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